2020 Friendship & Fundraising BAnquet

Check back for more information regarding our Fundraising Banquet to be held in the spring of 2020!

Support the Banquet

There are two ways to support ORCS through this banquet:

1) Attend & Invite Others

Please contact the School Office to reserve your complimentary tickets. Please consider inviting your family, friends, and co-workers!

2) Become a Sponsor

There are four sponsorship levels available:

Ph.D. Sponsor - $1000+

4 table-top business name displays

Personalized Vinyl Banner Recognition

Program recognition

Masters Sponsor - $500

3 table-top business name displays

Program recognition

Bachelors Sponsor - $300

2 table-top business name displays

Program recognition

Associates Sponsor - $200

1 table-top business name display

Program recognition

Please contact the School Office for more information or to become a sponsor!